If you do not find an answer to your question here, contact me at yew@yewsplugins.com.

How come I don’t see the hotkeys in DHS?
Either you don’t have DHS running or DHS is not first in your plugin list. It must come before MobTracker.

Can I change the color of the arrows?
Sure. Edit the XML settings file. The value for ArrowColor is in Hex in ARGB format. Thats Alpha, Red, Green, Blue.

What information are you sending form my computer?
I send the Mob Name, and its coordinates. Period.

Why are you sending this information?
To provide a service to find where mobs spawn by tracking statistics. Think “Navi3”.

What version of Decal do I need to run this?
You need at least This is an internal test build, but it is the first build that fixed the Worldfilter bug. Without this fix, you’d crash randomly, and usually just when you get a lot of CreateObjects messages, which is a bad thing. =P

What else can I change in the settings file?
Have a look and see. ;)


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